Just today I recieved confirmation of an interview with Fred LeFebvre (pronounced ‘LeFever’) Wednesday, October 25th following the 8:00 am news break on WSPD, 1370 AM, Toledo. I contacted Fred regarding my short story collection, Girlfriending, and my reading and book signing coming up November 12th at 2:00 pm at Gathering Volumes book store in Perrysburg. Fred was kind enough to offer me some time with him on his Morning Show on WSPD. So, will I freeze up and be unable to utter anything other than unintelligable grunts? Will I stutter and stammer? Say something bleepable? Forget the title of my book? These, and many other questions will be answered next Wednesday morning. For those of you outside our listening area, WSPD is on iHeart. For those of you within the listening area who may be predisposed at 8:07 or so, he may pod-cast it. I’ll of course let you know. Of course I’ll remind you again. You know me by now.