I am thrilled and delighted to announce that Rogue Phoenix Press, the house that published my novel, Difficult Lies, just offered me a contract to print a collection of my short stories. The title of the collection is Girlfriending, which is the title of one of the stories in the collection. Over twenty stories will be included. All of them involve human romantic relationships. Some are fewer than 1,000 words, some are close to 7,000. Some are funny. A few are quirky. Some are sad. All of them explore interpersonal relationships. I am very proud of these stories, some of which have been published; though many are stories that are trapped in my computer. Until now. I think you will enjoy them. We are in the very preliminary stages of getting the manuscript formatted, edited, and the cover art chosen, so the release date will be sometime in 2017. It will be offered in both ebook and paperback formats. I, of course (you know me), will keep you informed.