“Believe It” is the sixth story in Girlfriending, my short story collection. It’s a great revenge story, with a terrific female protagonist, Paige.
I’ll leave the story description at that, but here’s an interesting (I hope) sidelight. My original manuscript opened with the following quote:
I and the public know
What all school children learn,
Those to whom evil is done
Do evil in return.
–W. H. Auden
Chilling, isn’t it? And it was the perfect lead-in for my story, but my publisher was squeamish about using it, fearing we would have to pay for the rights. I don’t think it would be an issue, but when someone wants to publish me, I listen and agree to any requests I feel are reasonable. So the quote is out, but I got to tell you here. Gosh, hope Auden’s “people” aren’t reading this.
Anyway, you’ll love Paige. She rocks!