The tenth story in Girlfriending, my short story collection, is a story entitled “Clicking.” Jack is newly divorced from his boss’s daughter, so he lives in a rented trailer with his dachshund Cox, and is adjusting to his new employment as the overnight man at a funeral home. An alluring woman, Dustyanne, moves into the trailer next door with her brother, Scotty. Scotty returned from Afghanistan with a closed head wound. He looks like an NFL lineman, but has the demeanor of a five or six year-old child. Dustyanne moved to this trailer because it’s close to the VA hospital where Scotty attends daycare. Jack has an eye for Dustyanne. Can he befriend Scotty and find happiness with Dustyanne?
“Clicking” was published in Cigale Literary. You probably don’t subscribe. Read it in Girlfriending and find out what happens. You may be surprised.